Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mens Brazilian Wax Pa

the cat .. THE POST OF POST

Beppe Grillo cat =
Hello ... genuine sons of the network and not ..
with this post I will close permanently the saga of disgraced against Beppe Grillo. Although but there is still much more to say, I think it is right to devote hours to something more proactive analysis of other current issues. For example, I could finish saying her name out among the lists of Freemasonry, or as the year 1981 pseudocomico guilty of a multiple manslaughter, killing a married couple with children in a car accident.
(The episode was later sentenced by a court in a final.)
this point I think is significant. The anti-politics and indifference
plebiscite offering constantly blaming an old and cumbersome political gaming is a reality as the press says. He disagrees. Nor is his brave and faithful Marco Travaglio.Parlare ally of anti-politics against a man who proposes things, of ideas, however, changes affecting the world of governance and institutions is wrong, is not anti-politics that says if this is purposeful, progressive and constructive, says labor.
Grillo, who blames the old age, which Sircana blame for his sexual orientation ....
Well, there may also be the speech, I say .. the problem that springs to mind, however, is different in nature, that is, it seems difficult to propose something to which you yourself if you would be escluso.Questo dell'ineleggibilitĂ  for convicts .. well I would think the best night of the pseudocomico 1981 when he crossed a forbidden road, killing three people .... at least the plant to put his face on the civil lists he had proposed.
said this just might have the flavor of looting, which, however, is merely to follow the rules of the game that he keeps going to take the hair in the egg of this or that elected official, my opinion is the following :
politics is not a game .. is not something that can happen at Pala Sharp shows in Milan or authorized by the municipalities where at most a ticket does not cost never less than 20 € ..
I confess .. V-Day before I was a fan of Cricket .. I also saw his live show .. despite its contradictions like it because expressing his ideas without exceeding mobilization in ... After the V-Day has exceeded.
Now, the middle ground are sterile under these circumstances .. is well aware, but the policy or do or not do .. as suggested by some friends: "politics is not the prerogative of all, is an art to learn and to refine and get by without drowning as well as swimming you can also get there by instinct to become a great swimmer but it takes practice and training, beppe Cricket can get to instinct and touch on important policy issues and especially to democracy (direct election of their representatives), but certainly not the most important tasks may be assigned as many grillini would like. "
said, Cricket if he really was a man of politics, white, becoming mayor or deputy, show us what really counts, really give a hand to our country without collecting signatures just to make it more accountable to the Italians than they are useless votes We at the polls ..
would not do it .. would never do that .. perhaps because doing so would compete with people who know much, much more of him than it really is the political machine, what they mean alliances and balances of power, perhaps because for the first time in his life would be forced to support a civil dialogue and polite. The reality is that Cricket is great to go to extremes because what is happening around Italy is a reactionary .. policy if he were true then the voters would decide well .. but otherwise?? Nothingness .. defeatism .. antipolitics
clarify one thing well .. I take this opportunity to answer a certain number of comments that I received .. I do not have it with Cricket, he is not my target, but mine is an awareness campaign that blurs the pseudocomico, which does nothing if not its trade or advertising for its shows, but faces the people who really believe in him as the "messiah Ligurian came to show us the true path and to guide us towards a better future .. Dear "grillini" Wake up please ..
Now, it should be clear about the view that we face ... Having regard to the recent changes in political and economic scenario is probably a very temporary landscape .. Meaning:
one hand there is the anti-politics and indifference of many Italians, moved by the general discontent on the other hand there is a political class that seeks only self-preservation, to take forward in time, the "caste" or survivor.
Both extremes are bad, but the balance can not move towards the first ball, at least not for too long or you risk a total collapse .. Hence my campaign BEPPEGRILLOTIODIO. (Google adsense I was even denied permission to blog because prejudices of individuals, groups or organizations). The policy must aim to move to get incremental benefits .. or do one step at a time being clear about our common goals. In other words, the only way to silence the anti-politics is to do a good policy. This
dear Mr. Grillo, face to other people, you just think to make us smile a bit more.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Condoleezza Rice Contact Email

and fox ..... THE POST OF POST 2

fact a missing link in the chain .. something that justifies the presence of caste faced dall'antipolitica .. the ring is a character and I think it is called = Antonio Di Pietro volpe.Il the link between the two is well established fact .. try typing on google "Di Pietro and Casaleggio" .. Grillo and Di Pietro, have not only the blog maintained by the same marketing consultants but also are considered synergistic in Italian politics! Now the fact is puzzling to me .. how can suddenly become an anti-political friend of a politician who lies, inter alia, in parliament and is part of a group that keeps in check the majority?? The answer is simple: one or two of mind or, more likely also makes Peter's anti-politics, pure and simple. We recall the career of Peter, before becoming a judge won a contest as police commissioner and was hired at the School of Police. In other words, the character of Peter is that of a cop, the cop that is. It 's a dangerous element, because it has to give a penalty, including by order risk of a unity government despite having personal prestige, just because a sbirro.Di Peter is a strange character .. De Megistris during the call-back, his friend magistrate threw the whole parliament, creating a storm while undermining the whole coalition, blackmailing the government .. his statement was "if Mastella has nothing to fear will face trial in this way to suffer is the image of politics" .. holy words, I thought ... Then I stopped to think: if he speaks of the image if it is only political, in fact the reality is that the investigation against some political figures did not stop with the avocation of De Magistris, but it continued only in a elsewhere, or the court of Ministers. In fact, a minister is entitled, if the investigation against him concerning his activities as Minister, to make un'ispettoria which then can be decided to transfer the inquiry to the appropriate court on this matter .. I'd better stop here likely to be too unpopular .. The question that comes next, however, is: If Di Pietro really take so much for the Italian justice because he voted against the commission of inquiry against the policemen who beat him, tortured and killed during the G8? Then he declared the need to investigate it hit 360 degrees even the vandalism of some protesters .. laughing .. just because cops are your good friends? or maybe because somehow there's your paw in Genoa events that cost the resignation of Interior Minister Scajola?? Mystery .. Perhaps we'll never know .. the conclusions to you .. we love Italy

ps: I wish to state that I have a deep respect for the police and law enforcement officers but I only make a distinction: those who take it upon themselves to protect and defend the people taking safe streets and city policemen vile servants of power who abuse their powers and undermined the rights of persons

Monday, November 12, 2007

Molested Train Hidden

Mourning of the civilized world, not the football

"E 'dead Gabriele", headed the newspapers across Italy ..
E 'dead? How do to say stupidity like that?
I have no words .. I should not even be here writing this post to the outrage .. but a tacit silence also means confused, and I just do not accept this, because the fact it was clean and clear: No one died
, Gabriel has been KILLED!
attention to the use of words and their meanings, because printing as we know, historically, is no friend of football, it's easy for journalists to rail against the scuffles between fans, we eat.
Thin the differences between a fan and a terrorist suicide bomber is the favorite hobby of Mediaset and Sky by years. Even when
ultras are innocent then they find a way to moderate the tone, to march on ...
died ...??.... please be aware ...
clarified this particularly relevant how the public perception of the news reports at the discretion of those who are invested, we talk about something else that seemed to be decisive: the game, football!
In this regard I wish to express my contempt for all the gentlemen who filled the head of beautiful ideals, speaking out of turn to what is good to think "while having no direct connection or experience with the issues they raise, I'm talking about people after a similar episode says hatred to this sport, as a triggering cause of the misbehavior and violence, deaths and rebellion, those who say no to football, the "beautiful thinking".
clarify good football here has nothing to do really anything, it was only the frame. As if the result of a jewel thief who kills the homeowners were told where he was going to steal the jewels NO !!...( the comparison may seem forced, but the idea is just to clarify).
Now the analysis can go deeper into the self-made .
assumptions and are two clearly divergent
1) the event was a fatality, the shot you want to fit of madness, either through negligence, inadvertence want to , was accidental.
In this case, I invite everyone to reflect, if they did, that a similar misfortune should boost the sensitivity of each of us consciously to admit the truth, or that anyone can make mistakes, even those in uniform, even, unfortunately, leading to tragedies . (Not exempt from this responsibility in that regard, nor fails to respect the pain and discomfort of the family of Gabriel).
In this case they would not sense the riots by the fans, do not make sense to attack cones, in Amato, institutions, police stations, and especially would not make sense to the statement of Mr Bertinotti who claimed to restrict the use of weapons by the police, for the series "to manipulate the facts of the crime we do not ever pull back."
2) the event was intentional, intentional and malicious.
In this case, then the fact is really bad, because would the motive.
What better remedy to calm a group of "dirty fans enemies of order and discipline", if not to shoot a few shots hoping to make at least one dry?
Then here is not everything, there is less freedom of expression of their faith sports
is less the concept of a democratic state and we enter the state police. Born hatred, and hatred is born violence, and as mankind exists, there is violence that does not count his victims. Gabriel was one of those, but also civil society has suffered. They are right then the fans across Italy to revolt, to demand respect and justice, but above all protection. They are right
ordinary people to lash out against institutions, violent and fascist right and the president Bertinotti to speak to a also political awareness of each other.
In both cases I get the message that I, personally, without claiming neither consensus nor any aspect is the fact that yesterday was a blow hard to absorb for all fans and not journalists or not, police and anarchists: another clear and unambiguous mark of a system that feeds on fear, hatred, violence and repression.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Syracuse Ny Gay Crusing

the immigration issue

There is much talk lately of immigrants. There is much talk of Rom.Chi these are Roma? What we do in Italy? Is they who nurture the latent xenophobia in our country, or are they just a scapegoat and victim of a political plan far greater than themselves, here's my point of view: In this post I'd like to highlight the 'originality of the Italian case for what it regards immigration policies and schemes of social integration within the landscape europeo.Saranno criticized some ideas circulating at the level of ordinary discourse but implanted at the level of specialized discourse, first of all those who argue that in Italy is missing or lacking an immigration policy that immigration policy is flawed and disorderly, or who was not identified a specific project for immigrati.Le social dynamics, in fact, show that rather over the years in Italy has progressively broken immigration policy is characterized by its own rationality that has gradually structured a model that produces an effect of three separation: separation in the lives of immigrants, separation between natives and immigrants; separation immigrate.Caratteristica between populations of this policy is the combination of simultaneous application of the negative aspects of different models of "integration" experienced in Europe, which gives rise to a state of "special status" for the thesis that there is immigrati.La presented may seem overly pessimistic or extreme. But, you know, the extreme (if properly identified) indicates tendenza.Quindi, first the enemy, the other, security, the man to indicate the outlet and the cause of our oppression and our shortcomings, the other, the fulcrum and the pivot of a machine of cheap labor, which increases fuel consumption by a boost to our economy, oxygen to our companies cover the large deficit of factory work, the gap between demand and supply of labor italiano.Il problem that faces in this context is the common stance that this is primarily to be an alien and can not face a broader perspective and socially rewarding than mere strength lavoro.Sostengo an idea that may seem "provocative" and too strong on the one hand, the other pessimistic. Or that immigrants, and a part of Italian society, are moving towards a situation in which are placed under a different legal and, perhaps, under a penalty continuo.Il reader who shares this view and argue that it may be observed this is closely linked to the philosophy and policies of "zero immigration", in clear opposition to immigration and closing, if not to fill some gaps in our labor market or to meet the pressing needs of enterprises and production rates. This is partly true, but in our opinion, the real goal is an 'immigration' zero-rights ", which is something very diversa.Per obvious reasons of internal logic of the market economy system, in today's world the social order 'zero-immigration can not exist. So, in scientific terms, that is not ideological terms, talking about immigration-zero does not make sense, but it has, and much, at of public discourse. When some social actors talk about immigration-zero, are, in reality not so much a total closure of borders and the refusal of immigration, but rather the implementation of a system of repression and control on one side only and select to movements , and the other side puts migrants in precarious conditions and poor. So the goal of "final" of the Italian migration policy becomes the inferiority of immigrants already in the country, constantly portrayed as undesirable and extraneous el'inferiorizzazione immigrants entering through the quota system passes through a door very close. It 's different in fact migrate passing through the main door and migrate going through the back door. Who goes through the back door is forced to stand because the door is low, for self-limiting because the door is narrow, and since the conditions of migration already difficult for themselves though, so you are forced to accept situations and reports otherwise intolerable. Sometimes, indeed, this port does not exist: the case of asylum law or decree-flows.

March For Babies Team Name Ideas

Immigration in Italy

The Italian political class did not foresee the phenomena that have occurred, so specific legislation is expressed very late, and is often fragmented and influenced the most compelling need to regulate situations of emergency and creating tension among the population.
After a certain indifference in the 70s, some uncertainty in the 80s, suffered a legislative drafting in the 90s, there has not been able to meet the need for addressing the phenomenon of lawlessness, widespread with the complicity of compliant sections of the local underworld.

For the guide function that you are taking in Europe have to spend a few more words on the Bossi-Fini . 'S view of many that it has made the lives of immigrants even more uncertain, suspended and blackmail than it already was.
technical legal tool with which this has been achieved is unquestionably one of the link between residence permits and employment contracts.
residence permit it is today to have the same duration as the employment contract, as an immigrant who has lost his job, has only six months to procure a new regular job, this period has elapsed without a favorable outcome he becomes ipso facto a "clandestine . Now, if we consider that the contracts are now the majority of new labor contracts, if we add that the average time to obtain a renewal for the permit is six months and beyond, it is easy to see that the obvious effect of such legislation is to increase enormously the risk of irregularities to be in a whole mass of immigrant workers, much of the new come as those already residing in Italy and in good standing. This risk becomes a certainty even if you only consider the case of newcomers, since regularly now enter in Italy is only possible if the workers have already concluded in its country of origin of a contract with her "employer" and only if he has made a commitment to find accommodation and to bear the costs of return, not without has determined, before concluding the contract (in accordance with the principle of "national preference"), that there are anywhere from Italian workers available for that date task. Such a legal dense barrier, it goes without saying that since it was approved the Bossi-Fini law, only 2% of the inputs of immigrants in Italy has been done in accordance with the rules, while the remaining 98% occurred in violation of . The irregularity
, departure or return, exposes the migrant workers to all sorts of pressure and abuse by companies, in whose hands, among other things, the law gave the right to ask for permission to stay, right which is was thus removed from the immigrant, said with this one and basically subject to obligations of companies, contracted as households and the state. The growth of controls on immigrants goes hand in hand with the growth of not only the same dependence on the changing moods of the market, but also by the police and state bureaucracies, business, criminal networks, or at least, the so-called "ethnic chains" consisting of a variety of shapes ranging from obliging providers of money, by traffickers, to the suppliers of the first shelters, brokers, residence permits, etc.
This condition of the new immigrants, which is spontaneous bring old schiavile condition, has seen fit to sanction even a symbolic level by imposing that obligation without discrimination to all immigrants to provide fingerprints which had hitherto been reserved only for prisoners, and that is already in force, However, in several countries by the unequivocal symbol europei.Un meaning: every immigrant is a potential criminal, and it is therefore necessary to protect themselves in advance against him.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Sore Throat White Pustules

The great garbage Ligurian

Hi again.
In this post I'd like to say a domanduccia to all including the pseudocomico maybe, though I doubt I have an answer:
why, after witnessing to images of the highest dramatic content such as those relating to the emergence of waste in the province of Naples, such as those in which the desperate odors began to set fire to garbage bags lying in front of their homes and gotten poisoning from toxic combustion, Ligurian comedian has magically stopped talking and carry out its wonderful action against incinerators ???????

probably have seen this video circulating for some time on youtube:

so I probably should not show these images, we risk that even I, but the unbridled populism side pseudocomico to, and is certainly not my intention.
Lately, however, something odd has happened, the Ligurian returned to the office!
Yes, it's still waste in his blog. Now we report a short piece of his latest posts: (with a letter published!)

" The mailbox is mine, is private property. I do not want to pay the fee on waste disposed of advertising. Leaflets, guides, catalogs, special offers. If I get a week away from home a couple of pounds and the box is clogged. There is no place. I leave the packages and letters from admirers on the floor on the sidewalk. I'm planning to train a dog against postmen abusivi.Per solve the problem you can put a notice in the letterbox. It will publish a few on the blog. "

and here the letter:

" Dear Beppe, I found that about half of the paper throw away every week (and going to clutter up the already difficult and expensive process of urban " recycling ") is no paper that I need or really use that! Absurd is not it? I want to explain better: 50% of the paper for which I pay the disposal (through a levy on waste, Tia / Tarsu ) consists of Commercial advertising and lucrative business with the proceeds going to the mall and not only to me. A part of my fee of waste should therefore pay him !...."

me laugh dear surfers reading these publications from the blog of someone who pretends to champion the environment.
First you need to clarify something The tax that is important and
Tia / Tarsu set by the municipalities (local time pseudocomico who loves and defends advertising as possible of the bad politics solvers Italian) deliberately highlighted in bold, determined by the City shall submit tariff criteria based on the annual financial plan and performance described in the service contract signed between the City and the Managing Body.
The share is composed of a fixed and a variable. The fixed portion includes operating costs such as cleaning streets, removing garbage, the cost of labor, etc..
The variable part is instead divided among the citizens not by the amount of waste produced, but in relation to the scope of housing in euro / square meters.
Dear Mr. Grillo. What he says and to demonstrate profound ignorance on the subject, uninformed and makes a bad service to those who follow his blog. Among other things, the people who make ridiculous, naive and a lot more ignorant than you, send their ideas and impressions to your blog.
Finally, shopping centers, like all the other rooms not intended for home use, are also subject to this tax and also more restrictive rules.

For more information visit the link below on Regulation TIA by the Municipality of Pisa. Stay tuned

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ap Bio Lab Eight Population

The great cleansing of the parliament. V-DAY?? Information

Hello, genuine sons of the network. Now we will try to analyze one of the three proposals that the great comedian claimed during the v-day, even as I am here to write a post, analyze them all 3.
- inelegibilitĂ  of all the parliamentary convicts
- directly elected by citizens
- maximum level of 2 terms of office for MPs

In my humble opinion, it was all a waste of breath and energy, and not because despite the consensus stolen from the almost pseudocomico the situation remained unchanged, but because the 3 proposals could have been easily reduced, simplified and summarized in 2. Let me explain:
is natural to think that people agree with the thought of Cricket, and then they do not want parliamentary preceded the trial behind him, would be reluctant to give preference to those same MPs. With direct preferences and then by the citizens, it follows that those people will not have the requirement for eligibility, however, because will have little choice.
The same thing applies to the proposal 3: the citizens in favor of this initiative when they will face a candidate grandfather, easily turn their gaze elsewhere, to younger subjects, and increasingly through direct election, would eliminate the so-called "journeyman policy." Deciding how to not be able to express freely express their preference for this type of parliament, leaving the decision to the party secretaries.

Finally, keeping only the second, while leaving each person free to stand apart from its history, the situation, however, relates to a healthy democratic decision. THIS 'DEMOCRACY!

That said, I would like to point out my point of view in front of this initiative:
serious crimes, with a lot of sentences in third grade, there are. No denying it. This in effect leaves reflect a lot, smoking is the brain, is shocking in every respect.
is very different in reality the proposal of Cricket which "preclude" the parliamentary road to any person with a final sentence or awaiting trial. The chilling thing for me at least. First of all I remember from the list that has beautifully shown pseudocomico around Italy with all the names and surnames of those condemned also includes those with convictions really of little weight, but even worse, with convictions for libel. Defamation by definition has always been the condemnation of the anti-popular story, as they often collided with the freedom of opinion. A classic example is the story of Lino Jannuzzi.
Several times in fact happened is that individuals, with their statements, have touched leading figures and important. After that were deemed inconvenient and therefore unreported. Finally, for lack of evidence to the detriment of the persons against whom the statements had been made, the process ends with convictions for defamation.
Now, it's good to clarify some points, first of all generalize that the thought is never good, especially if we are turning to persons appointed to political office.
In other words, not all people are truly innocent or acquitted "little angels", as not all those sentenced are in fact wrong. Maybe it legally, but in practice the findings may be different. So one thing is to prevent people with questionable past can harm our country, another to say that a person with, for example, a conviction for manslaughter because he hit a pedestrian with his foot on the strip, should not contribute to political of our country.
The instrument of foreclosure for condemnation, could make it to blackmail some people. In the "power struggle" was nothing to prevent any corrupt judge to remove some people from the square with a small condannuccia just to get in exchange for some favor from political rivals. WE LOOK TO THE GENOVESE! We must take account not only good ideas and good thoughts, even a good chunk of rotting of our society.

Finally I want to remember the many historical figures, the great geniuses who have been convicted in any case: from Socrates, Pasolini, Gramsci Caravaggio, etc. etc..

EVEN GESUUUUUUUUUUUU'!!!!!!!! (Which I do not want;)

This, ladies and gentlemen, it is not clean, meets!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cellebrite Ume 36 Pro Upgrade

the "Genovese" Introduction

Hello again dear genuine sons of the network. This time I would like to bring to your attention a recent statement from the blog of pseudocomico of how the SIG. Grillo conceives information:

" The next V-Day will be dedicated to information, I'm deciding the date. We will ask two things: - the abolition of public funding to publishing-the abolition of the Journalists. Stay tuned. "

not know about you, I can not predict the reactions that this declaration may give rise to readers, but personally, in all sincerity, I confess that I have come chills and the blood is frozen.
The two hypotheses are: 1) after Beppe Grillo V-day has a swelled head and wants to bring out problems of which he is totally ignorant and incompetent by being ridiculous.
2) after every V-Day Beppe Grillo decided that I probably should go back to doing what they were slightly more talented, or the comic, the court jester, the fool in high words.

Grillo to be funny is funny about this is nothing to say, as no doubt the comic than enough, but in both cases first set out the truth that emerges is that something inside him pseudocomico after V-day is irrevocably changed.
analyze in depth the proposal of Liguria, with a look to the future, trying to predict what might be the consequences of such an initiative.
It 's definitely unfair and may burn the brain (and not only probably) in the knowledge that all Italians from income tax and our taxes, resulting survival of virtually all publishing. It certainly reflect the fact that their taxes a citizen is forced to fund both "SAILING" and "free" or "Il Giornale", but let's think for a second what would happen if public funding from a newspaper overnight were cleared.
Prime axiom: any type of public or private funding needs to survive
second axiom: publishing also falls into the category of "activities" and therefore needs income to survive
It follows that, not being able to rely more on public funding, as proposed by the Genoese, the newspapers will be forced to turn our gaze to other sources, which will no doubt be in the private sector.
The papers will then in the hands of advertisers, businesses and corporations, even foreign ones, because in the struggle to survive any helping hand becomes a precious treasure. Then the information will assist
DEATH, as has often happened in America, where we will have in front of newspaper pages 2 to 10 will be devoted to news, and the other 8 to promote and sponsor advertising.
This, ladies and gentlemen, genuine Internet users, it is pure Demagogues and simple!
E 'much better than a large party where information can be guaranteed a minimum competition between poles, that information entrusted to groups of companies, creating centers of power that would make it even more blackmail than it already is, the policy itself .

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Will Apex Affect A Drug Test

Hi all healthy and genuine sons of the network ..
I should point out this introduction with some of the main aims of this new blog.
First, as you can see here on these words the image of perhaps the most despicable populist of our times, and I dare someone who has used one of the polluted most beautiful technologies just as the online world, with a endless stream of crap, not allowing any dialogue and no opposition.
Dear Beppe a bit 'of sound Par Condicio for you not can certainly hurt you .. for months if there is a hate campaign against the policy against Mastella and in particular, give me a reason why you should be excluded just you ..
begin to clarify for all Internet users "Polluted" by this boss demagoguery that the network is not 'a pseudo comic invention of this merits and we do not give unnecessary and unfounded ideas to a person so poor that he was forced to illustrate them more violent and antiplurale you can imagine ..
certainly has been able to see a possibility in this vehicle information, has been able to pass across the board all the various political salons and the various Bruni sale of this situation and I have to admit, God forbid ..
But what are the aims? Let's say then that Beppe Grillo NOT 'blogs and blogs are not Beppe Grillo . Blogs are only one of many tools and have existed long before cricket learn to turn on a computer. Although Genovese is trying to monopolize the management of a large part of all information relating to the political world on the web, directing them to places very little production, well, had not yet come to terms with this new initiative .. Beppe Grillo I hate you!
From now on I will try to highlight various posts with all the garbage that he is transmitting on the network claiming to innovation and all the flaws and contradictions of his thought ..
The wisdom of my country always told me: "Do not trust people who make you laugh" .. and it is so .. Dear genuine internet .. I'm sure anyone visiting this blog represents the good part of the web, the healthy and the one that has really hope in the future and does not rely on a simple defeatism .. Boys, this gentleman is very dangerous for our country!