Because an employee must be seen taxed the thirteenth and fourteenth month, why do not you should be able to download the 730 purchase car and fuel consumption to go to work when there is a tax avoidance would decrease by half if only people to live better, that surplus tax revenues would also allow a rejuvenation of the internal market for industry , crafts and trade.
grow tax evaders
+ 6.7 per cent in 2010
The data was released by " Evasion in the first place is the underground economy (especially the work in black). 81% of corporations said negative income. In his head, amongst the least virtuous, Lombardy, Veneto and Campania
followed by five are the areas of tax evasion analyzed: the underground economy, criminal economy, corporations, 'big company' and self-employed and small businesses. "The hidden economy deprives the Italian tax is a tax of approximately EUR 135 billion a year." The illegal workers are about 2.4 million, of which 850,000 employees are making their second or third job. Tax evasion is estimated at 34 billion euro.
"For the economy created by the great criminal mafias that in at least four regions of the South, they control much of the territory, it is estimated that the turnover does not" booked ", stood at 178 billion € per year, equivalent to a tax evaded 63 billion euro. For corporations, not big business, it was found that 81% of Italian companies said negative income (53%) or less than € 10 thousand (28%). In practice, a total of about 800,000 corporations operating, 81% do not pay taxes due. Tax evasion is estimated at around EUR 18 billion a year. For big company, one in three closed the year at a loss and not paying taxes. In addition, 94% abuse of the 'transfer pricing' to move revenues and expenses between Group companies artificial transfer taxation in the countries where in fact there are no fiscal controls by subtracting the Italian tax of € 31 billion.
The self-employed and small businesses escape Treasury about 10 billion euro a year. In April 2010 to head between the regions where they are numerically increased tax evaders, it is Lombardy, with 10.1%. Second and third place respectively belong to the Veneto and Campania + 9.2% +8.0%. Following the Valle d'Aosta +7.3%, +7.1% with Lazio, Liguria with +6.3%, +6.1% in Emilia Romagna, Tuscany with +5.4 %, +5.2% with the Piedmont, Marche with +5.0%, +4.5% with Puglia, Sicily and Umbria with +4.5% +4.4% with ".
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