Sunday, February 13, 2011

List Of Straight Shotacon



Berlusconi Bersani takes seven-point

Mary Zegarelli
all articles of the author but not willing to do anything not to go to vote this time because the polls tell another story: Silvio Berlusconi would lose the elections nailed a percentage mark for the first time that the collapse of support among voters. It says the survey conducted by Renato Mannheimer and presented yesterday at Porta a Porta. At the center led by Bersani should be 36% of the vote, stopping at 29 if Berlusconi to lead the third prong was Casini, which stood at 15%, while the center-left led by Bersani 39% led by Berlusconi and the center-only 30% if the converters were driving Fini. "It's the first time in months that the center proves to have the chance," Mannheimer note. In addition, Bersani candidate for prime minister, persuaded a higher number of voters than the party chairman, Rosy Bindi, who stands at 34%, bringing the center to 29.

Confirmation of the change of wind also came from a confidential survey, arrived a few days in the drawers of the Nazarene, conducted by Ipsos immediately after the event, 13. If you were to go to vote today, 26.2% of respondents would choose the Democratic Party, 9.3% and 6.2 Sel the IDV, while 28% would vote PDL, 11, 4% League, 6 the UDC and 5% Fli. Encouraging data, especially after the collapse of the holy covenant by Casini: Pd, Sel and IDV could do without further enlargement.

But the good news coming polls - to be taken with the tongs to hold elections even announced - are softened by the controversy inside the Democratic Party on the restoration of parliamentary immunity. The Democrats are "absolutely opposed. Today in Italy everyone who is accused of child prostitution goes to trial and we can not accept special laws for the prime minister. We have to flip the calendar and saying it is time to put on the agenda but not the immunity rules, honesty and sobriety, "says Bersani and the PDL gives authority to the Technical Committee of Ministers and experts - who will meet today to develop the final attack on the judiciary and institutions - to deal even parliamentary shield.

The same leader in the House, Dario Franceschini, the other day about the unit and Deputies reiterated yesterday by the line: "We are opposed without any ambiguity. There is that to stop the processes to give Berlusconi immunity not only him but also to the other 994 MPs. " But the party of the Nazarene, not everyone thinks the same way.

Franca Chiaromonte, who has submitted a draft bill in 2009 (also signed by Senators of the PDL) to reintroduce "a profound conviction which I carry on for years and is based on concern that the founding fathers had when they wrote the article 68 ", no returns on his feet. "I have no intention withdraw it - he says -, it is a personal initiative and cross. Then if and when it does go we will see in the classroom. "

longer available, however, Silvio Sircana, co-signatory of the text: "It seemed to me to be able to contribute intelligently to give a different meaning in a debate that has dragged on far too long, but if the party decides otherwise not I make a disease, I am an elected official governed. " The Nazarene cut short: "For us the matter is closed, the immunity is an institution that exists in other countries, but is not among the priorities of the Democratic Party." Silent, for now, Beppe Fioroni will decide together with parliamentarians at the meeting Modem scheduled for tomorrow, while the Paris Mario Barbi, in a letter to all his colleagues in parliament does not agree with the line taken on the Ruby-gate immunity and believes "the lesser evil." "If Berlusconi's conduct is reprehensible - he writes - that action by the Milan prosecutors is frightening and elicits more of a concern for interference in the political, pretentious substitute for civil society and the alarming slide in operation since "garrison of legality" to the "defense of morality." Of all this however does not speak in Pd. Nor can even wave. Why the imperative is always just one: outstanding Berlusconi, by any means, no matter by what means. " No dry by Fli: "There are no conditions for approval but even to propose hypotheses of parliamentary immunity," lets you know Fabio Granata, while Antonio Di Pietro quips: "Restoring immunity now would be like handing the keys to the safe at the band Dachshunds. " And not even by Savino Pezzotta, the UDC, "it would seriously approve immunity." February 21, 2011


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